Once you’ve been accepted to attend the University of Montevallo, we’re here to help you with everything you’ll need to prepare for college. This section details all of the things you need to do or think about before starting your journey at Montevallo.
If you haven’t had a chance to visit campus yet, check out our virtual campus tour.
Confirm Your Enrollment
Now is the time to confirm your plans to become a Montevallo Falcon by paying your $100 Enrollment Deposit (fall tuition prepayment). This one-time fee confirms your spot in the incoming class, is non-refundable, must be paid before registering for orientation, and will apply as a credit to your university student account.
Priority Date for Incoming Freshmen: May 1
Priority Date for Transfers: June 1
Pay Your Enrollment Deposit Here!
Where To Live
If you’ll be attending UM, you will need to figure out where to live. If you’d like to live on campus, start by submitting your housing application. Housing placement is based on the date of your housing application, so apply early. Housing decisions and roommate information are sent out by the first of June each year. If you have any questions you may contact the Housing & Residence Life office at housing@86899805.com or 205-665-6235. You may also join our Facebook housing group to connect with other incoming students who are looking for a roommate.
Admitted Students Facebook Group (Fall 2025)
Access Your Student Email
You may access your UM student email using the link below (log-in credentials were mailed to the student in the acceptance package). Step-by-step instructions are below for setting up student email on your Android or Apple device. If you need to reset your password, email solutioncenter@86899805.com or call 205-665-6520. Be sure to check your UM student email throughout the year for updates related to move-in, scholarships, financial aid, e-bill, and so much more.
Set Up Your Student Account (Banner Self-Service)
To view your student account, look up course schedules, and check your financial aid, set up your UM student account today. You will need your UM username (first part of your email), M# and 8-digit birthdate when you setup your student account. Your UM username and M# can be found on your acceptance letter. Please note that you must set up your account prior to attending orientation and registering for classes.
Get Oriented with Montevallo
All new UM students must attend an orientation session in order to register for their classes. Use the link below to register for an available date starting in February 2025. Once you attend orientation, you’ll have all the information you need to begin your studies in August!
You may also select to take our World Language placement exam prior to attending orientation.
Financial Aid, Payment Plan, and Scholarships
Almost all students need some sort of financial aid to help pay for school. We strongly encourage incoming and returning students to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). If you have any questions you may contact the Student Aid office at finaid@86899805.com or 205-665-6050.
Outside of federal financial aid, UM offers a monthly payment plan which is setup in June/July for the fall semester and October/November for spring term.
Merit based scholarships are automatically awarded once a student is admitted. However, students can apply for additional, non-merit scholarships on their Award Spring scholarship account. Note that all students must use their UM student account login credentials for this application.
Merit Based Scholarship Priority Date: February 1 (after February 1 awarded on a funds available basis)
Award Spring Scholarship Deadline: March 1
Health Forms
The Incoming Student Medical Form must be completed online by the student and submitted along with proof of measles immunity uploaded and attached to the form. All required health information is due before the first day of class. For more information visit the Student Health Services website.
Student Health Services is located at Station 6275 in East Main Hall.
Register Your Vehicle
Students parking on campus must register their vehicles and/or motorcycles annually. A $35 charge will be added to student’s account for each vehicle registration. Residential students will need to wait until they move onto campus to receive their decal since it will be mailed to their UM mailbox in Farmer Hall. Parking permits will be mailed to commuter students at their home address. (Please note that parking permits are not available until July each year.)
Pay Your Student Bill
Be sure to check out our Office of Student Accounts webpage for more information about paying your student bill and our monthly payment plan. Your bill can be found on your student account once you have attended an orientation session. The payment deadline each term is the first day of the semester by 5 p.m.
Send AP, IB, CLEP, AICE, and Dual Enrollment
Be sure to send all AP, IB, CLEP, AICE and dual enrollment so the credit can be applied to your UM degree. Montevallo can award up to 45 combined semester hours of credit by examination toward the completion of your degree requirements. For additional information on credit by examination, use the link below.
FERPA Release Form
Under the provisions of FERPA, information from your student records may be disclosed by the University of Montevallo to a parent, guardian, or other individual if you submit a signed Records Release Authorization form to the Registrar’s Office. If you would like to grant access to anyone, use the link below to fill out the form. Keep in mind you must sign the FERPA release in order for your parents to have access to your student bill and financial aid information.
Download Our App
With the GET app, you can:
- Manage your flex points
- Upload your student ID photo
- Order Food
Access and Compliance
Students with disabilities are encouraged to contact Access and Compliance (AAC) prior to or upon enrollment at the University. Requests for services and accommodations will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis and must relate specifically to the student’s disability. Visit Access and Compliance for applications and necessary documentation.
Accept Your Scholarships
If you have been offered any merit or department specific scholarships, be sure to accept those through the appropriate channels. For your academic scholarships, please log into your UM Student Account and for other department specific scholarships check your Award Spring account.
Start Class!!!
Move-in day for the fall of 2025 is Saturday, August 16! Student Life will have fun activities planned throughout the weekend to get you involved and plugged in on campus. The first day of class is Wednesday, August 20, 2025!